History Appendix 3



Manley parcel – the original 51 acres deeded to Friends in 1949 by Lucile Manley

(mostly on the north side of Hubbard Gulch)

Balovich parcel – about 25 acres on the south side of Hubbard Gulch, purchased from Sam Balovich in 1977.

Hawkins parcel – about 3.5 acres on the southeast corner of the Manley parcel, obtained by donation from Glenn and Evelyn Hawkins in 1986.


Apple House – a small shed next to the Manley House used at times as an extra dwelling

Art Center – former name of the Haven, created by adding on to the Sequoia Seminar Warehouse in 1981

Base Camp – first Quaker presence on the Manley parcel in 1949, used by Camp Unalayee for 8 summers; its only structure was a small kitchen on the site of the current Redwood Lodge kitchen

Caretaker’s house = Maintenance Manager’s house – built by Sequoia Seminar in the early 1950s and used by them until 1970.

Cold House – former name of the Sojourners’ Cottage; the residence of Edith Cold, sister of Lucile Cold Manley, until Lucile’s death in 1969; also called Joe’s House, for Joe Correia, its builder and the Manley family carpenter, and who lived in it

Conference Area – the original name, from 1970, of the Orchard Lodge area

Hostel Area – former name, from 1968, of the Redwood Lodge area buildings

Main Lodge – Sequoia Seminar’s name for Casa de Luz

Manley House – former name of what is now the office; the home of the Manley family from 1920 until their life estate ended in the mid-1970s

Sunrise Lodge – Sequoia Seminar’s second meeting place, built on the NW corner of AFSC property and sold to them in 1977.

Warehouse – Sequoia Seminar’s name for the back half of what is now the Haven, built in the early 1950s.


AFSC – American Friends Service Committee; original title-holder of the property.

BLC – Ben Lomond Committee, the name of the program committee of AFSC which administered QC from 1950 until devolvement in 1982; later called Quaker Center Committee

BT – Ben Lomond Property Board of Trustees – the legal entity formed in 1969 to receive from AFSC the title to the QC property

BLQCA – Ben Lomond Quaker Center Association – the non-profit corporation formed in 1981 to accept

responsibility for the administration of Quaker Center and hold title to the property; its members are approved by College Park Quarterly Meeting

Exec C – The Executive Committee of the NCRO; it approved members of the BLC and the BT

NCRO – Northern California Regional Office (of AFSC) in San Francisco

QC – Quaker Center

QCC – see BLC


Ben Lomond Camp – the name used by Friends to first describe the Quaker Center property

Camp Unalayee – the summer boys’ camp held at QC from 1949 – 1959; it continues today on its own property in the Trinity Mountains area

Creative Initiative Foundation – the non-profit corporation conducting the Sequoia Seminar program; also known variously, through programs which it sponsored, as National Service Foundation, National Initiative Foundation, Woman to Woman Building the Earth, Beyond War, and Foundation for Global Community

Friends Meeting Ground – the name used for Quaker Center by AFSC in the early 1960s 

Next: Appendix 4 – Bibliography >

< Return: Appendix 2 – Quaker Center Administration and Staff before 1982