–Healing and Regrowth–
February 14-17, 2025
an in-person gathering
Hooray for YAF weekends at Quaker Center! If you are a young adult aged 18-35 and you’re a Quaker (a member, attender, or newcomer to a Friends Meeting or Quakers generally), this event is for you. Come immerse yourself in our loving community!
Over a three-day Presidents Day weekend, we’ll spend time having fun and cooking food, playing games and hanging out, in conversation and song, hiking and exploring, in Worship and Worship Sharing, and creating community. Enjoy nourishing meals, optional massage workshops, and local service opportunities.
Children of attenders are also welcome and childcare will be provided at various times.
If you’re unable to come for the whole three-day weekend, you are welcome to come for some part of it.
Housing will be in the Orchard and Redwood Lodges, and camping and commuting are also welcome.
This is a participant-led retreat and there are opportunities to sign up to volunteer on the registration form.
Click here to register!
This is a reduced cost, pay-as-led event from $0 on up. We hope that finances will not prevent anyone from attending. It is also possible to use an Annual Meeting Pass to attend.