11 a.m. on Wednesday, December 20, 2023
a follow-up and report-back
from the climate conference
–an online event and collaboration
with Quaker Earthcare Witness–
The Climate COP (Conference of Parties) is an annual global climate summit. This year, the 28th annual COP will be held in Dubai from November 23 to December 12, 2023. A few weeks ago, we received a special introduction to the upcoming Conference from Quaker climate activists Lindsey Fielder Cook and Frank Granshaw. Lindsey and Frank talked about how the COPs are organized, the unique role of Friends there, and what issues were to be discussed at this year’s conference. You can watch a recording of that presentation here.
At 11:00 a.m. Pacific time on Wednesday, December 20th, we’ll hear back from Lindsey and Frank about what happened at the summit in Dubai, and ways to stay informed and involved.
Register here for this event!
Lindsey Fielder Cook is the Representative for the Human Impacts of Climate Change at the Quaker United Nations Office in Geneva, and Frank is a Quaker Earthcare Witness observer/delegate to UN climate events and the COP.
Also, Frank Granshaw has set up a COP 28 online Climate Portal, so that folks can follow along and participate in the conference online. Frank will be participating remotely, and invites all of us to take a look at the COP process. Take a look at the portal here.
We’re very grateful to collaborate with Quaker Earthcare Witness, a Friends environmental organization, on this online event.
The event will be about one hour.
Register for the December 20, 2023 report back here!