Fall Quarterly

Friday, October 18th to Sunday, October 20th, 2025

All are welcome to join us for the 255th session of College Park Quarterly Meeting (CPQM) at Quaker Center. This event will be hybrid (both in person and online).

CPQM is a quarterly regional gathering of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in northern California and northern Nevada. It is a cherished and joyous gathering for children, young people and elders. All are welcome to attend Quarterly Meeting – Friends Meeting members and attenders, visiting Quakers, and newcomers.

College Park Quarterly Meeting has held its spring gathering at Quaker Center for over 70 years. However, this will be an unusual fall gathering, as the autumn meeting has traditionally been held at Sierra Friends Center in Nevada City. Due to last year’s closure of Sierra Friends Center and the ongoing “Homeland Return” campaign to return the land to the descendants of its original inhabitants, Fall Quarterly will be held here at the Ben Lomond Quaker Center.

For more information and to register, please visit www.collegeparkquarterlymeeting.org.